Fear Project


  1. 1. The fear she is trying to convey is that she is afraid of making decisions.
    2. The photo successfully conveys the fear decidophobia because it represents two paths that she could pick one being success, and the other being failure.
    3. The way she chose to convey her fear is done very well.
    4. Next time make the failure side a little darker to contrast the two paths.

  2. 1) This represents the fear of making the wrong choice.
    2) The image is straight to the point and easy to understand
    3) I like the bright colors of success and the dark contrast of failure
    4) the contrast between success and failure could have been stronger

  3. 1) I think the fear is.. the fear of deciding
    2) Yes, because of the two pathways deciding whether to choose the wrong way or the right way.
    3) the light fixtures in the photo emphasizing on success
    4) The person is the back is conflicting with the photo

  4. I think this is the fear of failure. It does a good job of portraying this. I think the the way light was used to show the better of the two paths was an nice idea. An improvement could be creating a bigger difference between the two paths.

  5. 1) I think its the fear of decision making.
    2) It does a good job of showing this because you know right away what the fear is.
    3) I like the signs pointing to to paths.
    4) Something that could have been fixed would be the person down one of the paths it gives a mixed message because it looks like they made a decision.


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