The Importance Of Art Response

I disagree with this statement because I feel that art helps students in high school to destress from the hard classes they are taking. Not allowing high school students to take art classes would result in overworked students that are stressed. Students would not have time during their hard stressful days to destress and work on something they enjoy. Some students may desire to go into something related to art in the workforce and taking away art would not allow students to do that.

Not only would it create a much more stressful environment, but it would also cut down on students creativity and expression. Many students are able to express themselves when doing an activity with art or music. Cutting this out of public high schools would take away from the expression of  students creativity. Taking this away from students would leave them without an outlet to express themselves. Many students do not get the opportunity to show who they truly are when they are sitting in a classroom learning, but when they are given the chance to participate in an art activity, they are given the chance to show who they are and what they love.
